5 Ways of Transforming Your Website App into a Phone App

These days, cross-device interaction of customers is important. Some people buy their goods using a laptop; others do it on the go through their iPhones or Android devices. As a businessman, you cover a lot more ground if you are able to flexibly accommodate these device preferences of your customers. Admittedly, having an iOS and Android version of your web-based application can get quite costly. As such, proper planning and these five tips can help pave the way toward this transition as smoothly as possible.

Consider a Progressive Web App Framework

A progressive web app framework allows users to work on the apps in offline mode. It also leaves a lot of room for improvement in the future. This kind of design does not get you imprisoned with an initial set of specs. At the same time, it gives you and the developer enough leg room to make adjustments to the app reasonably until launch date or even during the time that the app goes live.

A progressive web app (PWA) also adds the feature of keeping your users hooked on your app as they can still use it even without an Internet connection as long as it’s installed in their phones. This style, however, does not apply to all use cases. Make sure that your planned use for the app matches the requirements of a PWA.

Set a Timeline for App Development

You need to give considerable time for the developer to weave his or her magic on the app. Your iPhone app development and Android app development may require separate timelines unless you use a cross-device platform like Apache Cordova for building the app. Know the costs and time of delivery with a reliable developer or developer team so that you won’t have surprises or awful bugs that can also have a negative impact on your application.

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Think of Increasing or Decreasing Features per Device

Some web-based features may no longer be necessary when in a phone app and vice versa. Additionally, things that were not considered in web-based features may end up as a critical factor to the usability of your app when migrated to its smartphone app version. This is where you might need the help of beta testers, avid customers who can test the initial stage of the app and provide useful feedback that will help keep most customers in support of your business.

Improve User Experience on All Fronts

Simplify the process and reduce the number of buttons that the customer has to press, especially for mobile converted applications. The fewer the buttons, the better the conversions. But don’t make it bare to the point that hardly anything can be done. Strike a balance and provide just the right amount of visual choices per view.

Consider Responsiveness across All Platforms

These days, people will get impatient if your design does not respond to their screen sizes. Test out if your app is responsive across different devices, and see if the font sizes and buttons are all working as they should.

When done the right way, converting your web-based application into a smartphone-based one can be one of the best decisions you can do for increasing the reach of your business. You will see the results as more and more people are using your smartphone-based app.

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“Right now, computers make our lives easier. They do work for us in fractions of a second that would take us hours. […] As things progress, they’ll be doing more and more for us.”
Steve Jobs
co-founder of Apple Inc. and founder of NeXT
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