The People You Need for a Successful IT Company

Many will claim to be experts in the field they’re in, but they wouldn’t be alone in getting the job done. They have a team working with them and sure, with their combined knowledge and experience, perhaps they can be considered an expert.

It would be arrogant, however, to consider yourself the only important part of the IT company. Without these people, your business will not be able to thrive:


It doesn’t matter how new or how established your business is. Without a consultant, you may be running it to the ground. Specifically in the IT industry in Kansas City, competition is cutthroat. You will not stand a chance against other IT companies if your way of doing things follows a decades-old manual.

What you need are IT consulting companies that can start you off with a good schema to follow for your business model, and they may also help find bugs in an application you’re developing. Worried that getting a consultant will take a big chunk off your budget?

They are not tenured, which means your arrangement with them may not include the benefits of a regular employee. Compare that with the profits lost because your products are simply not on par with business standards.

Database Administrator

Data Management

There needs to be at least one database administrator in an IT company. You store information in a database. You access this database on a daily basis. You add to it, delete entries, compare databases, or even get entries that result from cross-referencing different databases.

Without a database administrator, someone might accidentally delete entries and mess up the system. Entire databases may be jeopardized, and you will not know what to do. Even with sufficient knowledge of how the system works, you may still not be aware of issues programmers encounter on a daily basis.

When looking for a database administrator, you’ll want to look into the integrity of the applicant. They need to have a track record of maintaining databases and saving system backups regularly.

There’s no knowing what kind of problem a database may encounter and should something go wrong with the database. It will be reassuring to know that you can use the backup to get things back to a more stable state.


One of the most important jobs in an IT industry, developers are the lifeblood of a business. Developers come up with the apps that eventually get on the hands of end users. They work on everything, from UI and UX to troubleshooting.

Without capable developers, an IT company will be churning out possibly faulty apps that might even compromise the security of users. What’s even worse? Pairing compromised apps with risky business practices because you chose to forgo a consultant.

Know that developers may have different specializations, which means you need to look at their past projects to see if they are the best fit for your company. Many companies are already going for a better approach to this: finding developers who have sufficient knowledge of everything.

This makes it easy to assemble a team, as everyone will know what the other person is talking about. It’s not impossible for an IT company to achieve its goals. To get there, all you need is a team of experts, and the humility to acknowledge that you’ll be nothing without them.

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“Right now, computers make our lives easier. They do work for us in fractions of a second that would take us hours. […] As things progress, they’ll be doing more and more for us.”
Steve Jobs
co-founder of Apple Inc. and founder of NeXT
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