Fun and Useful Skills to Learn at Home

Staying at home for long periods can make anyone go stir-crazy, especially when you have little to do. Although some people cope by engaging more in social online activities, such as Facebook, many need more stimulating activities. As you settle into the temporary normal, consider taking on a new hobby or learning a useful skill. The internet is a good source of tutorials, comprehensive guides, and simulations of different skills. It’s only a matter of picking something you’re interested in and taking that leap.

Learn How to Google

Most people think of Google as a search engine and nothing more. Although that is what it is at its core, it is also something much more. Google’s Power Searching Course, for example, teaches people how to make most of its innovative technology. Learn how to improve your search skills using the common tricks and techniques employed in digital marketing.

Learn How to Code

Learning how to code is like studying a new language. As the digital landscape continues to grow, coding and other web development services have become important skills. Taking up an online crash course on how to code will help you navigate the digital world with more ease. It might even open up a new career path for you.

Master a Signature Dish

Use your time at home to learn how to cook your favorite restaurant dish or master a signature dish. There are several cooking tutorials available on Youtube. Choose to learn from a range of cooking levels, from amateur cooks to professional chefs. Just look up the dish you want and choose a tutorial that works for you.

Declutter Your Home Like a Pro

All this time at home is the perfect opportunity to declutter. This isn’t a one-day task, as any expert will tell you. Clearing your home of all clutter and waste will take time. Read up on how to properly organize your home from professionals, such as Marie Kondo. Some of them even have shows where you can learn how to declutter step-by-step.

Know How to Perform First Aid

Everyone should know how to perform general first aid. You never know when you or someone around you will need immediate medical assistance. When you have a good working knowledge of general first aid, it gives you the ability to help while waiting for the professionals. The American Red Cross provides a basic guide on its website which you can use to familiarize yourself with the practices.

Become a Builder

Father and son building a bird house

While the DIY movement is nothing new, the internet has made it easier to learn how to do specific projects. Use your time at home to acquire skills that are useful all year round. From fixing a leaky faucet to leveling a bookshelf, there are several new skills you can learn from the comfort of your couch.

The current situation is hard on everyone. There is nothing wrong with taking on new hobbies to take your mind off of what’s happening outside. Make the most out of your time indoors by considering these suggestions. There are more activities available to you. It’s just a matter of figuring out how you want to spend your time.

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“Right now, computers make our lives easier. They do work for us in fractions of a second that would take us hours. […] As things progress, they’ll be doing more and more for us.”
Steve Jobs
co-founder of Apple Inc. and founder of NeXT
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